- Uninstall Highland 2 (Drag the app from the Applications folder to the Trash, then choose Finder > Empty Trash.)
- Sign out of the Mac App Store (Launch the App Store and sign out by going to the Store menu at the top of the screen and selection Sign Out.)
- Restart your system.
- Log back in to the Mac App Store.
- Reinstall Highland 2.
If these steps do not resolve the issue, please send an email to support@quoteunquoteapps.com with the answers to the following questions:
- How long did you wait for Highland to connect to the Mac App Store?
- From what country are you trying to upgrade?
- Do you have more than one Apple ID?
- Have you tried on more than one internet connection/network?
- Are you using a VPN?
- Are you attempting to upgrade from home or work?
- If work, is it a corporate place that may have firewalls/limitations?
- How long have you waited before giving up on it?
- Does Apple give you any prompts? If so, what do they say?
- Would you mind sending in a debug log, too? You can find it under the Help menu > show debug log.