Headers and Footers
{{HEADER: title }} or {{FOOTER: title }} sets the page header and/or footer. There are a number of additional options that can be included in the header or footer directive.
Examples are shown for the page header only, but are interchangeable with the footer.
{{HEADER: %p }} current page numb...
Notes, Synopses and Such
Sections start with one or more #
Synopses start with =
Notes are wrapped in [[double brackets]]
Page Breaks are three or more equal signs ===
Term Lists are formatted as Key :: Value
Boneyards are wrapped in /omit tags/
Scene Numbers follow scene headers, wrapped by # (#1#)
{{INCLUDE: (fi...
Text Formatting
Basic text formatting in Fountain uses Markdown syntax. Cheat sheets for both Fountain and Markdown are available from the Help menu.
*bold* or (Command + B)
*italic* or (Command + I)
_underline_ or (Command + U)
> centered <
right align >
+highlight+ or (Shift + +)