Editor Preferences

Set the default Editor typeface and to one you like best. We are partial to Highland Sans ;)

You can also adjust the default font size.

Column Width
Select Narrow, Medium, or Wide to set the column with of the Editor. This can be very useful for smaller or larger display sizes.

Pro tip: To most accurately match the line breaks of the Screenplay format, use Narrow column width. [[font size too?]]

Line height
Choose between Tight, Normal, or Loose to adjust the Editor line spacing.

Auto-uppercase INT. and EXT.
As you write scene headers Highland will automatically uppercase them. To manually uppercase a line press Shift + Return at the end of a line.

Auto-complete scene headers and characters
Turn this on to have Highland auto-complete scene header locations, time of day, or character names.

Save cursor position in document
Use this option to have your cursor where you left it when you last closed your document.

Not finding what you need?

Submit a new issue for the Knowledge Base here.